Digital intelligence that powers HR processes is now within reach.
For decades, artificial intelligence has improved many areas and functions within organizations. As technology has evolved, we have seen its growth in many industries. In finance, medicine, supply chain, and customer service, artificial intelligence has become an everyday necessity for many professionals.
It has been widely implemented because it can automate repetitive or time-consuming tasks that require a lot of analysis and human effort. For the past few years, Airudi has been turning AI into a powerful tool for HR professionals as well.
Whether it involves decision support, enhanced recruiting, or performance evaluation, there is vast potential for optimization, and the benefits generated by AI create more value for organizations.
Why should you implement an AI strategy in HR?
To make the most of your data
Human resources is known for its thousands of forms, procedures, and administrative processes. These contain a gold mine of data and HR intelligence. Many companies struggle to gain meaningful insight from their HR data, even though it is full of relevant information. Yes, HR data is a valuable resource, and AI is a great tool to help you make the most of it.
The famous philosopher Socrates popularized the motto “Know thyself.” At Airudi, we put these words into practice with AI. Our technology solutions include a powerful analytical component that supports human resources management. This allows you to measure several crucial aspects of your organization, including performance, productivity, health and safety, and labour relations. Our analytical tools promote a fact-based management approach.
To save time and put the focus back on people
Over 80% of human resources professionals are bogged down by repetitive processes. With AI, you can automate your processes, freeing you from recurring tasks and administrative baggage. You can spend the time you save on your teams and on strategic projects that add more value to your organization. In this way, AI helps the HR department return to its roots and refocus on people.
To help manage occupational health and safety
Systems supported by AI can also improve occupational health and safety management practices. AI has the power to quickly and efficiently analyze huge amounts of data, identifying and making good use of correlations that would be missed by even the most expert human analysts. For example, in a factory, AI could indicate that a certain procedure is likely to lead to accidents. The HR professional could then address prevention and help reduce the risk of injury.
To recruit better, faster, and on a greater scale
Hiring processes can take up to 56 days. When well integrated, our AI-powered solution can reduce that time frame to about 72 hours, while making the candidate experience much more enjoyable. AI accomplishes this by automating a series of processes.
Candidate screening tools can process several thousand resumes at the same time and automate repetitive tasks. This allows the recruiter to focus on value-added tasks. The AI assistant goes beyond simply reading resumes by keywords; it compares profiles of your current successful employees with the profiles of potential candidates. This allows you to find the best talent, and in record time. Next, an AI-powered chatbot can communicate with candidates via email or text message. The solution can pre-select candidates based on criteria and guidelines and provide a detailed list of the most appropriate profiles for the open position. In the end, the recruiter is better positioned to meet the ideal candidates and make their decision. Find out how we use AI for recruiting.
To support decision-making
Human resources professionals can receive support in their decision-making with AI that offers instant, informed recommendations based on best practices. Depending on the situation at hand, the AI makes recommendations based on the company’s previous rules, processes, and decisions. The technology solution assists HR professionals with their legal compliance, based on the applicable laws and standards. In short, AI acts as a catalyst for HR professionals, who are now better equipped to make more objective, consistent, and reliable decisions.
With AI, managers and HR professionals can eliminate administrative baggage, wasted time, and recurring tasks. Teams become more efficient and more productive. They have more time to focus on high-value tasks, such as engagement and organizational development, so they can affect real strategic and transformational change in an organization.
Amanda Arciero, M.Sc., CRHA
Vice President of Operations