The labor shortage is glaring, in Quebec as elsewhere in the world. You yourself may be struggling with this issue in your company.
The client used to be king. Now, the employee rules. The market is to the advantage of the candidates, there are many offers, and the competition is fierce. Faced with this phenomenon, human resources must adopt new practices to stand out and optimize their recruitment efforts. It is high time to innovate and reinvent yourself.
In terms of innovation, artificial intelligence is an essential to overcome recruitment efforts. It offers several advantages that should be known. Moreover, this is what we invite you to discover.
What are the advantages of using AI in recruitment?
1. Eliminate long and redundant tasks
Preparation and dissemination of job offers, reception, analysis and sorting of applications, prequalification, long hours, and research to identify and contact potential candidates, the steps to recruit are long and numerous.
What if you had the possibility to accelerate the process of recruitment while making it more efficient?
This is where artificial intelligence becomes useful. All the steps mentioned above can be accomplished by artificial intelligence a lot faster!
2. Significantly reduce the workload of recruiters
80% of recruiting tasks can be automated by artificial intelligence. So, what will the recruiter do during this time? He will be able to focus on other tasks that will improve the employee experience such as spending more time on interviews, improving hiring processes, focusing more on strategic or branding tasks. Ultimately, the manager, the recruiter and the whole team will benefit.
3. Reduce hiring costs by eliminating inefficient sources and processes
IIt is estimated that it takes an average of 56 days to hire a candidate. This is caused by all the manual, long and tedious procedures that HR professionals must go through. As AI can accomplish these tasks with greater speed and precision, it reduces the recruitment time to approximately 72 hours. It saves a lot of time and money and limits the chances of missing out the right candidates.
4. Reduce errors in the process of recruitment
Whether it is a missed candidature, an unanswered email, a mere oversight, mistakes happen. Even so, this can result in a poor experience for the candidate or a missed opportunity to hire a good profile.
AI reduces these issues. It can go though your hiring process to detect errors and then suggest improvements or new processes to avoid them. Thanks to a series of controls, improvements, and continuous automations, AI considerably reduces errors in the recruitment process. Fewer mistakes mean a better experience and therefore better results.
5. Stay productive with fewer resources
Because of the current labor shortage, many companies must operate with fewer resources, including HR departments. Is this you case? Then AI is the perfect solution for you. It can accomplish several tasks and help your teams by playing a daily assisting and supporting role. In addition, your teams will get better job satisfaction as they will be able to devote themselves to value-added tasks, which will increase the sense of self-worth at work.
6. Company knowledge is automatically retained and applied to future processes
The collection of date and the quality of it are two essential elements to fuel AI. The data will allow AI to analyse, measure, conclude and make the best recommendations. They also retain the knowledge of the company. It is a real gold mine for those who understand its value.
So, AI technology is valid only if the data is good. Companies that have been diligent in collecting data are well positioned to benefit from artificial intelligence to improve their processes. Conversely, if you have not collected a lot of data in the past, it is still possible to catch up. Incorporating artificial intelligence at different steps in your hiring process will allow you to start collecting data so that you can start using it.
7. Make the assessment of the candidate objective
Biases in human resources including recruiting are well known and documented. The biases come from natural human reflexes, which are often unaware. Yet, they can modify our impressions, judgement and influence our decision-making. Biases could cause you to miss out an excellent candidate, because despite your objectivity, your brain may be playing tricks on you!
Thus, establishing a fair hiring process that emphasizes diversity and inclusion should be a priority for every hiring team. Artificial intelligence is an excellent solution because it promotes a fair and unbiased recruitment as it relies on objectives data to make decisions..
Artificial intelligence will change many industries in the entire world, and recruitment is no exception. As you read in this article, artificial intelligence in recruitment offers many considerable advantages. All in all, AI allows you to recruit more efficiently while allowing your teams to focus on projects that will create more value in your organization.
Do you think AI can propel your recruitment? Would you like to start and AI-HR? We are here to support you every step of the way. The first step is to arrange a meeting with one of our experts.
Pape Wade M.Sc.
Cofounder et CEO